‘Wonders of Greece’ Tour

At Northholm Grammar, a key aspect of our Secondary Years Academic Program is to challenge our students, both in the classroom and beyond, offering multiple opportunities for students to participate in enriching activities that expand their learning experience through internal and external activities.

In April 2023, 21 Northholm Secondary students voyaged on an unforgettable journey of a ‘classical’ tour of Italy. Taking in the sights and sounds of the historically rich country, including Rome, the island of Capri, Siena, Florence and the city of Verona, these young historians made unforgettable memories as they visited museums, explored ancient ruins, marvelled at iconic landmarks and immersed themselves in vibrant Italian culture and cuisine.

This year, from 14 to 21 April, a group of Year 8 to 12 students embarked on a journey to learn and discover more about the ancient history of modern and ancient-day Greece, travelling through the picturesque Mediterranean country for 10 days and uncovering centuries of civilisation.

The tour began with an exploration of the capital city of Athens, followed by a boat trip to the island of Aegina. The cultural and historical experience covered visits to Syntagma Square (Parliament House) and the Plaka, which was undoubtedly an amazing start to the tour for our enthusiastic students. Meteora was an amazing place to experience with its spectacular landscape and byzantine monasteries perched on steep rocks that house priceless artifacts and wall paintings. Students explored the Peloponnese region, which hosts Greece’s most important archaeological sites, including Epidaurus, Corinth and Mycenae. Surrounded by sea from all sides, the region boasts amazing beaches. The group stayed at the picturesque town of Nafplio.

The final leg of the tour ended on a strong note, with a visit to the historical site of Olympia, the birthplace of the most famous and important sporting event in the ancient world – The Olympics. Finally, students returned to Athens to visit the Changing of the Guard at the Presidential Mansion, marking the end of a sensational and immersion trip.

This experience exemplifies the School’s commitment to Learning Through Scholarship by challenging our students with a purposeful curriculum, and Caring for Others and Self, focusing on individual growth and social and emotional development. 

To learn how Northholm Grammar’s Secondary Years Academic Program provides an education as distinctive as your child, click here.