Outdoor Education

Northholm aims to develop young people who are resilient, make good decisions, accept responsibility for their actions and demonstrate a high degree of competence in a variety of situations. Nestled in natural bushland, Northholm’s location allows for a range of outdoor pursuits on campus. We inspire in our students a sense of global responsibility in the environment and are dedicated to instituting sustainable practices across the school campus. In addition, in Years 7 to 10 our Outdoor Education program focuses on students getting to know each other beyond the classroom with outdoor camps which develops character, cooperation and resilience.

Outdoor education builds character at Northholm

Primary Years

In addition to a variety of clubs designed to foster a love of the outdoors and the environment, students in the Primary Years take active responsibility for the care of our Sensory Garden. 


Primary students are encouraged to get involved in one of the clubs in which care for animals and the natural environment are nurtured. These can include Environment Club, Eco Warriors, Animal Handling, Poultry Club and Green Thumbs.

Secondary Years

A range of clubs, our working farm and through service learning that focuses on the environment, Northholm secondary students are encouraged to participate in Outdoor Education both on our campus and in the greater community.

Students from Year 8 onwards participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme for additional outdoor education challenges. Read more here.


Year 7: Connections Through Journeys

Students in Year 7 are introduced to the Outdoor Education program through an orientation camp early in Term 1. For three days, students have the opportunity to enjoy a range of physical activities designed to build self-esteem and to foster cooperation and teamwork. The aim of the camp is to build new relationships with each other and their Core Teachers. Year 7s also take part in an overnight hiking and canoeing expedition later in the year to learn about campcraft and skills.


Year 8: Discovery and New Horizons

In Year 8, students participate in a three-day outdoor education experience to build on the skills from Year 7 and to challenge them to move out of their comfort zones through interaction with different social groups.


Year 9: Urban Experience

In recent years, Year 9 students have participated in an inner-city experience to broaden their understanding of city life. Completing fun and engaging activities through the streets of Sydney, students develop a range of skills to help them navigate the urban environment.


Year 10: Leadership Camp

A leadership camp for Year 10s expands on earlier experiences and broadens their understanding of the roles and responsibilities of senior school leaders through team building activities.