Student leadership is an invaluable opportunity that helps shape the lives of many young people. Student leadership programs at each level of schooling gives our students the chance to discover and develop their leadership potential. With the right guidance and support, students can learn how to become effective leaders and make positive contributions in their communities.
Student leadership can take many forms, including running student organisations and clubs, taking on roles of responsibility in school and out of school activities, or starting a new venture. There are four key dimensions to student leadership at Northholm Grammar: Leading Self, Leading Academically, Leading with Others and Changing Your World. Through both formal and informal leadership opportunities, we intend for all students to develop self-awareness of the impact of their behaviour on others, learn to effectively communicate goals and inspire trust, to become comfortable influencing and delegating to others, and develop learning agility – knowing when to change course and helping others to do so.
Effective student leaders understand what motivates their peers and can help foster a sense of confidence and belonging in those around them. They are willing to take risks and challenge the status quo, while using their intelligence to think critically and make informed decisions. They discover attributes to develop their character and gain respect from peers and adults alike.
Working together with peers can also help students feel like they belong, boosting morale and allowing them to develop relationships outside of school. Students are encouraged to participate in forums, debates, peer tutoring and mentoring programs, as well as service programs and outdoor experiences. Northholm Grammar’s formal Student Leadership Development Program is based on the principles of servant leadership where students reflect on the following critical questions: ‘Who am I?’, ‘Where do I fit in?’ and ‘How can I best serve others?’
Leadership is not easy, it’s a commitment that can be both challenging and rewarding. We recognise that each child is a distinct individual, with their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to leadership. Northholm Grammar seeks to provide mentorship and resources to empower student leaders to discover their own paths to success. Student leaders are a significant part of the Northholm community, inspiring others and leading them towards a better tomorrow. The impact of student leadership on each Northholm Graduate will last well beyond their years at school, as they are supported to fulfil their potential and prepared effectively for adult life.
Northholm Grammar recently celebrated the appointment of our Student Leadership Team at our Primary Years Leadership Investiture Service. We congratulate them on their appointments and wish them every success in their roles and fostering a values-based culture that includes Learning through Scholarship, Caring for Others and Self, Living a Faithful Life and Contributing to the Community.
To read more about Student Leadership opportunities at Northholm Grammar, click here.